This program replaces the following ASTM tables:
Tab 24, Tab 29,Tab 6, Tab 11, Tab 53A,Tab 53B,Tab 53D,Tab 54A,Tab 54B,Tab 54D, e Tab 3
If you use ASTM tables, you can lose at least 1 hour to calculate the conversion factor at 15° or at 60/60 Fah for all cargo tanks in your vessel; instead, using this program, in only 2 minutes you can compute more than 40 cargo tank factors. It is required the density at 15° celsius or API 60/60; temperature in Fah. Degrees or in Celsius degrees, depending to ASTM table is used. The output give the correction factor at 15° C. or at 60 Fah.

It can be requested a program able to print all calculation in the Owner Ullage Report Form.